Our Mission


Guiding Philosophies and Core Values

Our knowledge of Evolutionary Developmental Psychology and our love for children inspired us to build a school with its own curriculum, designed for a challenging program.

EvoKids is an international teaching method that utilizes the most effective components of learning.

While it’s true that children explore their environment through play, and learning these practical skills is vital at a young age; research also suggests that access to academic learning at this key developmental point in their lives that can truly help children to deepen their understanding of the world around them and learn through play.
The years from birth to age 8 are critical to the healthy, cognitive, emotional, and physical growth of children. It is in this time that their interaction with the world around them really impacts their development, love of learning, and social skills.
In accordance with its commitment to excellence in education, EvoKids™ limits the number of children per teacher to ensure that every learner gets the attention they need and deserve.
The EvoKids™ philosophy is centered around their values:

  1. Each child’s personality is always respected, and teaching methods are adapted to the child’s individual needs.
  2. EvoKids’ educators encourage the development of natural talents by focusing on areas of strength, instead of arbitrarily working on each skill for an equal set period.
  3. Keeping in mind that no two children are the same, EvoKids fosters close relationships with both parents and the children to build a course in line with their personal circumstances and goals.
  4. Through interacting with different religions, races, and cultures from an early age, kids can gain a deeper understanding of one another – along with an open mind and heart for people that see the world in a different way.
  5. Small groups of 6 children with the benefit of personalized teaching.


Our Mission

Connect with us

Leimbachstrasse 21
8041 Zurich

  • dummy043 542 1534

  • dummy info@evokids.ch

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